
RS ISO 6356: 2012
Textile and laminate floor coverings — Assessment of static electrical propensity — Walking test


This International Standard specifies a method of evaluating the electrostatic propensity of textile and laminate
floor coverings under controlled conditions. Since the potential generated varies with humidity, shoe materials,
walk surface and individuals’ mannerisms, the values generated by this test will not necessarily reflect actual
field experience, but will provide a relative comparison of the performance of different surfaces.
For classification purposes and in cases of dispute, the measurement procedure specified in this International
Standard can be used under controlled conditions specified in the relevant classification standard or agreed
between disputing parties. There may be occasions where measurements are required under non-controlled
conditions, e.g. in situ measurements on installed floor coverings. The principle of measurement using the
equipment specified in this International Standard can be used to make measurements, either with the standard
footwear specified or with specific footwear relevant to the end use.

General Information

RS ISO 6356: 2012ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSTextiles and leather technology27Second EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 27,000

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