
RS ISO 21298: 2017
Health informatics — Functional and structural roles


This document defines a model for expressing functional and structural roles and populates it with a
basic set of roles for international use in health applications. Roles are generally assigned to entities
that are actors. This will focus on roles of persons (e.g. the roles of health professionals) and their roles
in the context of the provision of care (e.g. subject of care).
Roles can be structural (e.g. licensed general practitioner, non-licensed transcriptionist, etc.) or
functional (e.g. a provider who is a member of a therapeutic team, an attending physician, prescriber,
etc.). Structural roles are relatively static, often lasting for many years. They deal with relationships
between entities expressed at a level of complex concepts. Functional roles are bound to the realization
of actions and are highly dynamic. They are normally expressed at a decomposed level of fine-grained
Roles addressed in this document are not restricted to privilege management purposes, though privilege
management and access control is one of the applications of this document. This document does not
address specifications related to permissions. This document treats the role and the permission as
separate constructs. Further details regarding the relationship with permissions, policy, and access
control are provided in ISO 22600.

General Information

RS ISO 21298: 2017ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSHealth care technology47First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 49,500

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