
RS OIML R 49-2: 2013
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 2: Test methods


This part of OIML R 49 (R 49-2:2013) is applicable to the type evaluation and initial verification
testing of water meters for cold potable water and hot water as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013. OIML
Certificates of Conformity can be issued for water meters under the scope of the OIML Certificate
System, provided that this part of OIML R 49, OIML R 49-1:2013 and OIML R 49-3:2013 are used in
accordance with the rules of the System.
This part of OIML R 49 sets out details of the test program, principles, equipment and procedures to
be used for the type evaluation, and initial verification of a meter type.
The provisions of this part of OIML R 49 also apply to ancillary devices, if required by national
The provisions include requirements for testing the complete water meter and for testing the
measurement transducer (including the flow or volume sensor) and the calculator (including the
indicating device) of a water meter as separate units.

General Information

RS OIML R 49-2: 2013OTHER STANDARDSMetrology and measurement. Physical phenomena117First EditionAvailable

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