
RS ISO 7960: 1995
Airborne noise emitted by machine tools — Operating conditions for woodworking machines


This International Standard, together with basic noise
emission International Standards, describes the
mechanical and acoustical specifications necessary
for a reproducible test method for the determination
of airborne noise emitted by woodworking machines.
NOTE 1 Acoustic measurement procedures and noise
data repotting are given in the basic acoustic Standards
selected from the ISO 3740 series, ISO 4871 and the ISO
11200 series (see annex V).
This International Standard specifies operating conditions
and microphone positions for the measurement
of noise emitted by woodworking machines.
lt applies to:
- Single-blade circular saw benches (annex A);
- planing machines (annex B);
- thickness planing machines (annex C);
- single-spindle moulding machines (annex D);
- double-end profiling machines (annex E);
- edge banding machines (annex F);
- double-end sizing and edge banding machines
(annex G);
- two-side and multi-side planing machines and
moulding machines (annex H);
- bandsawing machines (annex J);
- Single-end tenoning machines (annex K);
- routing machines (annex L);
- double-end trim circular machines (nonstroke)
(annex M);
Single-blade stroke circular sawing machines for
Cross cutting (annex N);
vertical and horizontal Panel sizing sawing machines
(annex P);
multiblade circular sawing machines (for ripping)
(annex Q);
sanding machines (annex R);
double-edging circular sawing machines (for
rough cutting) (annex S);
double-blade stroke circular sawing machines for
Cross cutting (annex T);
double-end tenoning machines (for tenoning only
(annex U).
The existente of special-purpose machines, for which
such Standard operating conditions cannot be specified,
is acknowledged. This International Standard
applies to the types of woodworking machines listed
above. Additional types will be covered in future
editions of this International Standard (ISO 7960).

General Information

RS ISO 7960: 1995ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSMetrology and measurement. Physical phenomena133First Edition
Apr 2020
Price: RWF 172,500

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