
RS OIML R 59-2: 2016
Moisture meters for cereal grains and oilseeds — Part 2: Metrological controls and performance tests


1Moisture content is one of the most critical grain quality measurements because of the direct
economic significance of the fraction of the total product weight that is water and because moisture content largely determines the rates at which the grain will degrade during handling and storage. Grain is bought and sold on the basis of weight. Accurate moisture determinations serve as the basis for appropriate price adjustments. If the moisture content is above the level that ensures safe storage, the grain must be dried to a suitable level. The energy and handling costs associated with drying grain and the reduction in weight
of the grain during drying result in substantially reduced prices for high moisture grain.
Concomitantly, overly dry grain is discounted from its weight basis and this dockage is partially justified by the increased susceptibility to breakage during handling for drier grain. The direct discounts assessed for moist grain and the indirect penalty (giving away dry matter) for dry grain are powerful inducements to deliver grain with a moisture content that is very close to the established safe storage level. Because of its significance, moisture content is determined virtually every time grain is bought and sold.

General Information

RS OIML R 59-2: 2016OTHER STANDARDSMetrology and measurement. Physical phenomena21First Edition
Jun 2017

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