
RS ISO 22157: 2019
Bamboo structures — Determination of physical and mechanical properties of bamboo culms — Test methods


This document specifies test procedures for specimens obtained from round bamboo culms. The
data obtained from the test methods can be used to establish characteristic physical or mechanical
properties to be used in structural engineering design or for other scientific purposes. This document
provides methods for evaluating the following physical and strength properties: moisture content,
density, mass per unit length; strength properties parallel to the fibre direction, compression, tension
and bending, and strength properties perpendicular to the fibre direction, tension and bending. It also
provides methods to estimate moduli of elasticity in bending, compression and tension parallel to
fibres, and bending perpendicular to fibres.
The test methods reported in this document are intended for commercial testing applications. The test
methods reported in this document are intended for commercial testing applications and can also be
adopted as benchmark methods for scientific research.
This document is organized to provide requirements for standard tests to be carried out to determine
the material properties of full-culm bamboo as a structural material.

General Information

RS ISO 22157: 2019ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSwood technology33First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 37,500

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