
RS ISO 12877: 2011
Traceability of finfish products — Specification on the information to be recorded in farmed finfish distribution chains


This International Standard specifies the information to be recorded in farmed finfish supply chains in order to
establish the traceability of products originating from farmed finfish. It specifies how traded fishery products
are to be identified, and the information to be generated and held on those products by each of the food
businesses that physically trade them through the distribution chains. It is specific to the distribution for human
consumption of farmed finfish and their products, from finfish meal, breeding and finfish farming through to
retailers or caterers.
NOTE Together with ISO 12875 for captured finfish, this International Standard provides a basis for implementing
chain traceability of finfish.

General Information

RS ISO 12877: 2011ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSFood technology49First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 61,500

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