
RS ISO 11354-1: 2011
Advanced automation technologies and their applications — Requirements for establishing manufacturing enterprise process interoperability — Part 1: Framework for enterprise interoperability


The purpose of this part of ISO 11354 is to specify a Framework for Enterprise Interoperability (FEI) that
establishes dimensions and viewpoints to address interoperability barriers, their potential solutions, and the
relationships between them.
ISO 11354 applies to manufacturing enterprises, but can also apply to other kinds of enterprises. It is intended
for use by stakeholders who are concerned with developing and deploying solutions based on information and
communication technology for manufacturing enterprise process interoperability. It focuses on, but is not
restricted to, enterprise (manufacturing or service) interoperability.
This part of ISO 11354 specifies the following:
? viewpoints for addressing stakeholder concerns for the exchange of entities (information objects or
physical objects) at the operational levels of enterprises at which interoperability is required;
? a framework for structuring these stakeholder concerns (business, process, service, data), the barriers
relating to enterprise interoperability (conceptual, technological, organizational) and the approaches to
overcome barriers (integrated, unified, federated), with contents identifying the various kinds of solutions
available to enable interoperability.
This part of ISO 11354 does not specify the specific mechanisms for the exchange of entities (information
objects or physical objects), nor the manner in which interoperability solutions are implemented.
Three annexes provide additional information. Annex A describes how existing interoperability frameworks
can be related to the concepts of this framework. Annex B shows examples of using the FEI to identify and
categorize interoperability barriers, knowledge and solutions. Annex C provides a methodological guideline on
how the FEI can be used in an interoperability engineering project

General Information

RS ISO 11354-1: 2011ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSInformation technology43First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 51,000

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Agriculture ( 259 )
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