
RS ISO 21393: 2021
Genomics informatics — Omics Markup Language (OML)


This document is applicable to the data exchange format that is designed to facilitate exchanging omics
data around the world without forcing changes of any database schema.
This document specifies the characteristics of OML from the following perspectives.
From an informatics perspective, OML defines the data exchange format based on XML. This document
gives guidelines for the specifications of the data exchange format, but this document excludes the
database schema itself.
From a molecular side of view, this document is applicable to all kinds of omics data, while this
document excludes the details of the molecules (e.g., details of genomic sequence variations or whole
genomic sequence). This document is also applicable to the molecular annotations including clinical
concerns and relations with other omics concerns.
From an application side of view, this document is applicable to the clinical field including clinical
practice, preventive medicine, translational research, and clinical research including drug discovery.
This document does not apply to basic research and other scientific fields.
From a biological species side of view, this document is applicable to the human health-associated
species as human, preclinical animals, and cell lines. This document does not apply to the other
biological species.

General Information

RS ISO 21393: 2021ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSHealth care technology55First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 69,000

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