
RS ISO 6060: 1989
Water quality — Determination of the chemical oxygen demand


This International Standard specifies a method for
the determination of the chemical oxygen demand,
COD, of water.
It is applicable to water with a COD value of between
30 mg/l and 700 mg/l. The chloride content must not
exceed 1000 mg/l. A water sample which is in accordance
with these conditions is used directly for
If the COD value exceeds 700 mg/l, the water sample
is diluted. For greatest accuracy it is preferable
that the COD value of the sample is in the range of
300 mg/l to 600 mg/l.
Under the given reaction conditions, organic compounds
are extensively oxidized. Excluded are compounds
with certain structural elements (e.g.
pyridine nucleus, quaternary nitrogen compounds).
Volatile hydrophobic substances may evaporate and
thus escape the oxidation. Inorganic compounds
being oxidized under the reaction conditions are, for
- bromide ions, iodide ions;
- certain sulfur compounds;
- nitrite ions; and 4 Principle
- certain metal compounds. 9
On the other hand, certain compounds

General Information

RS ISO 6060: 1989ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSEnvironment. Health protection. Safety9Second Edition
Apr 2020
Price: RWF 6,000

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