
RS ISO 8197: 1988
Milk and milk products — Sampling — Inspection by variables


This International Standard describes the basis of sampling
Plans for the inspection by variables of milk and milk products.
lt is intended primarily for use under the following conditions :
a) where the inspection procedure is to be applied to a
continuous series of lots of discrete products, all supplied
by one Producer using one production process;
b) where only a Single quality characteristic, X, which
must be measurable on a continuous scale, is taken into
consideration (if several such characteristics are of importance, this International Standard applies to each of them
c) where production is stable (under statistical control)
and the quality characteristic, X, is distributed according to
a normal distribution law or a close approximation to the
normal distribution law;
d) where a contract or specification defines an upper
specification limit U, a lower specification limit L, or both.
NOTE - The product is qualified as complying with the requirements
of the contract or specification if the measured quality characteristic, x,
satisfies one of the following conditions :
xor x>L . . . (2)
or x < U and x > L . . . (3)
Conditions (1) and (2) are called cases with a Single specification limit
and condition (3) a case with double specification limits.
This International Standard does not apply in the case of
examination for microbiological defects.

General Information

RS ISO 8197: 1988ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSFood technology13First Edition
Mar 2022
Price: RWF 7,500

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