
RS ISO 20888: 2020
Dentistry — Vocabulary and designation system for forensic oro-dental data


This document defines the terms used to describe the distinctive characteristics of an individual’s
mouth by dentists and forensic dental experts. These terms are organized by concepts based on a
forensic approach to the characteristics of a mouth, with many concepts specific to the identification
domain that are not defined elsewhere in ISO dentistry vocabularies (e.g. “present tooth”).
The hierarchical structure of this document is designed to describe attributes of a tooth, the mouth
and a prosthesis/orthosis with increasing levels of discriminative characteristics (e.g. material
characteristics, restored tooth surface) and the possibility to connect any level of description of an
attribute with the most comprehensive concept.
This document is intended to be used for data exchange between antemortem and postmortem files
and remove ambiguity on the terms used to describe an individual’s mouth.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 1942 and ISO 3950.

General Information

RS ISO 20888: 2020ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSHealth care technology632023 VersionAvailable
Price: RWF 63,000

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