
RS 147-2: 2012
Transport of dangerous goods — Emergency information systems — Part 2: Transport emergency card and emergency response guides


WITHDRAWN- This part of RS 147 covers standard procedures of initial response, in the form of Emergency Response
Guides (ERGs) that are to be followed by a first responder upon arrival at the scene of an incident that
involves the transport of materials that are classified as dangerous goods in accordance with ADR. The ERGs
are intended to be used by the first responder or by the emergency services. An ERG is compiled for a group
of materials that share the same emergency response. ERGs facilitate the early assessment of the potential
hazards and indicate the response that should be taken to mitigate the incident.
1.2 It lays down the requirements for a transport emergency card (TREC) to make the driver of a vehicle
transporting dangerous goods by road aware of the danger associated with the load, and to indicate its use as
a concise and quick reference in an emergency situation and also facilitates the preparation of a TREC.
1.3 Annex A (Emergency Response Guidebook) is a separate document in a format that is convenient for
the personnel of certain services, who, by the nature of their duties, are likely to encounter situations where
they might be required to assume the role of first responder. The Emergency Response Guidebook is
intended for use in incidents that involve the transport of dangerous goods by road in accordance with ADR
and in accordance with relevant regulations on handling of dangerous goods.

General Information

RS 147-2: 2012STANDARDS OF RWANDA ORIGINEnvironment. Health protection. Safety35First EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 43,500

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